Dialogue #1: Script

Type the script of your Dialogue #1.

Remember it is:

  • 2-way dialogue. (2 persons)
  • 5 lines each person.
  • 1 introductory / 1 closing statement
  • 3+ terms from Glossary #1
Type on the comment area of this page.

Due date: January 13th, 2018@23:59

Remember to add your...


  1. Mariluz Samudio 8-928-409
    Desiree Ulloa 8-922-1688
    Physiotherapy A

    Desiree: Hi! How are you?
    Mariluz: Hi!well I am suffering from lumbar pain.
    Desiree: oh! Maybe your are some contractures muscles.
    Mariluz:yes maybe are contractures. By the way how was your week?
    Desiree: my week was with few patients. But i attended some cases of scoliosis and cerebral palsy.How was your week?
    Mariluz:This week I was attended a person with atrophy muscles in his upper limbs.
    Desiree: oh good.I'm late bye
    Mariluz: ok, bye.

  2. Barahona Naybeth 8-919-472
    Moreno Maciel 8-906-516
    Group: A

    Dialogue #1
    *Naybeth: Hello maciel, how have you been?
    *Maciel: Hi,More or less...
    *Naybeth: What do you have?
    *Maciel: I was playing soccer,I fell and I fracture the femur.I was resting for five months.
    *Naybeth:Wow,I also had a work accident three months ago,where I had Proximal fracture of the tibia.
    *Maciel:Wow,A lot of pain. I imagine.
    *Naybeth: Yes,but I'll go to the dotor. BYE.
    *Maciel: It is the best.

  3. Angeline Marín 8-931-1921
    Anthony Guillen 2-739-700
    Group: A

    Dialogue #1

    Angeline: Hello, how are you?
    Anthony: Hi, fine thanks
    Angeline: How are you after femur fracture
    Anthony: I lost ranges of motion and they sent me to rehabilitation
    Angeline: the muscles of the quadriceps were affected
    Anthony: yes, I had atrophy due to lack of movement due to the plaster
    Angeline: but I see that you feel better
    Anthony: yes, therapy helped me a lot
    Angeline: good, see you later
    anthony: bey, beware.

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  5. Efraín Robles 8-807-1187
    Oksanna Acosta 3-738-2407
    Physiotherapy: Group A

    Oksanna: Hi Efraín! How are you?
    Efraín: Hi Oksanna! I am pretty good, thanks for asking. I am a bit bored, are you up for a game about anatomy?
    Oksanna: Sure i will start. What is the muscle in charge of the shoulder abduction?
    Efraín: Ok that is the deltoid! That was an easy one, ok my turn. What is the muscle in charge of the elbow extension?
    Oksanna: The answer is triceps. Ok my turn! What is the largest bone in the human body?
    Efraín: Alright that's a tough one for me, but i will go for the fibula.
    Oksanna: Wrong! the answer is the femur.
    Efraín: Well i guess i lost, i will go ahead and study harder to beat you next time!
    Oksanna: Goodbye Efraín.
    Efraín: Ok goodbye Oksanna.

  6. Milagros Calderòn 8-928-729
    Keziah Foster
    Physiotherapy: Group A

    Keziah: Good Afternoon
    Milagros: Hi nice to meet you
    Keziah: Did you find the remedy of your cervicalpain?
    Milagros: No, but I think that get a frature
    Keziah: Do you have osteoporosis?
    Milagros: No, I have osteoartritis
    keziah: Oh I know how are you feeling I have that and atrophy
    Milagros: It's se bad, som movement like flexion are limitede
    Keziah: yes but I know i'll get better
    Milagros: I know that see you soon

  7. DIALOGUE #1
    Jocelyne Camarena. 8-921-646
    Carlos Ramos. 8-935-1183

    Jocelyne: Hi! Carlos how is your anatomy classes?
    Carlos: Hi! We are in the part of muscles and bones.
    Jocelyne: well, you remenber the muscles? Because i need study again.
    Carlos​: yes! Pectoral, quadriceps, deltoid, they are muscles more easy, but i need to learn the more difficult.
    Jocelyne: oh! We are in the movement part, a flexion, extension, abduction, are easy.
    Carlos​: well, we after the muscles and bones, we are teaching the movement.
    Jocelyne: well, after we are teaching the range of motion.
    Carlos: It listen more difficult.
    Jocelyne: yes, It is. Bye Carlos, i need class.
    Carlos​: Bye.

  8. DIalogue #1

    Miguel Miranda: 8-924-1579
    Amelia DOminguez 3-744-1377

    MIguel: hi how are you nice to me you
    Amelia: hello Nice to me you too
    Miguel: my lowback theis hurthing because i have exesive lordosis i also i have fracture in my humerus i also i have to come every months to get my insuline because i suffer diabetes

    Amelia: i have a genu valgum and begining therapy for this i n physioterapy i also y have hurting my scapula for a fracture
    Amelia Bye

  9. Dialogue #1
    Yaritza Rodriguez 8-900-391
    Angel Gonzalez 8-918-2313
    Fisioterapia III A

    Angel: hey What’s good yaritza?
    Yaritza: I’m feeling a little bit bad...
    Angel: Oh! How’s that?.
    Yaritza: my back hurt, I have some serious scoliosis.
    Angel: have you try some rehab?
    Yaritza:not really, but I do some stretching exercises like extensions of the dorsal part of the column.
    Angel:that’s cool you should try some flexion move too along with other types of movements to relieve your pain and then you can go to rehab.
    Yaritza: ok, I will thank you!.
    Angel: you’re welcome see ya.
    Yaritza: See ya.

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  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Dialogue #1
    Dayra Almengor 8-938-683
    Lesliann López 8-928-700
    Physioterapy A

    Lesliann: Hi Dayra, how are you?
    Dayra: Hello Lesliann! I'm sad my mother is very sick.
    Lesliann: Oh, does she suffer from diabetes like your grandmother?
    Dayra: No , she suffered a cerebrovascular accident.
    Lesliann: Oh what's wrong, she had hypertension problems?
    Dayra: Yes, but what caused this was a blow to the occipital lobe.
    Lesliann: I hope it's not a brain injury that leaves sequels.
    Dayra: Yes, I hope it does not leave you with any paralysis that affects you life.
    Lesliann: Well, goodbye, may your mom recover soon
    Dayra: Thank you, goodbye, take care!

  14. Carolina Hinestroza FB-298-343
    Hector Rodríguez 8-929-1129
    Fisioterapia-verano II A

    Hector: ¡Hellow! How are you?
    Carolina: Hi Hector. Fine
    Hector: My grandmother suffers from
    hypertension and yesterday she
    got very bad bad bad.
    Carolina: Oh my god. What happened?
    Hector: She had a fall
    Carolina: Did you take her to the doctor?
    Hector: Yes, when he fell he fractured
    his pelvis.
    Carolina: You must take care of her.
    Is very important the
    Hector: Yes, the next week they give
    him out of the hospital.
    Carolina: I will go to see her
    Hector: Thank You. Bye
    Carolina: See you.

  15. DIALOGUE #1
    Name: Laura Herrera
    Physiotherapy A

    Laura:Hey, Hi José. Since when are you in the gym?
    José: Hey, How are you Laura? Well since a month ago and you what kinds of exercises do you do?
    Laura: Very fine. Well, regularly, I start with 5 minutes warm-up. Then I do exercises for the abdominals, I continue with the stretches for the legs and I conclude with the bicep exercises to maintain a good muscle tone. And you?
    José: I only attend swimming, for the moment.
    Laura: Oh nice. Good to keep you going well. Bye.
    José: Equally. Take care. Byem



Date: February 5th, 2018. Speech: Movements ( more information, click here )